This site uses cookies. We save anonymized information to improve our website. If the setting "Do not Track" is active in your browser, no data will be saved. Of course, you can adjust the settings individually. Accept Settings
Privacy & Cookies Policy
Cookie overview
This site uses cookies. They are divided into two categories:
Necessary cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the website. This category only contains cookies that guarantee basic functions and security features of the website. The cookie settings you make here are stored in session cookies. Cookies are set on the login page for maintaining our website. These are necessary cookies to secure our website.
This website uses cookies to analyze the use of our website. This only happens if the setting \ "Do not Track \" is NOT active in your browser. In order to make our website more user-friendly, information about the pages you visit, the time you have spent on them, the type of device (desktop, cell phone, tablet), the browser used and the operating system are recorded anonymously. The software used is \ "Matomo \" and is hosted on a third party website.